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Factors in Home Inspection Pricing 

  • Size and age of the home
  • Inspector’s experience
  • Number of issues discovered
  • Reporting

Let's put home inspection fees in perspective: If you're buying a $400,000 house, the inspection fee in some cases is less than 0.2% of the cost of the house. Most real estate agencies charge 3% to 6% to sell a home, which would be $12,000 to $24,000 for a $400,000 house.    

The cost of a Quality Property Inspection is a bargain considering it may save you from making a very costly mistake.   

Aside from the time invested, the value of a Quality Property Inspection and thorough report can be measured by its usefulness. If the inspection turns up little wrong with the house, you've bought some relatively inexpensive peace of mind. If the inspection finds serious problems, your minor expense upfront could end up saving you many thousands of dollars in the future.  

Please call for pricing: 908-642-2112

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